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Spring 2020 News: Graduation, Clarion West, Mithila Review, & More

So much has happened over the past month, and so much of the world has changed as well. Hope you all are doing okay in your respective corners of the world.

I just finished my MFA in Creative Writing at UBC and am starting to be a full-time freelancer starting in the upcoming week, so it’s a really exciting yet scary time, full of many unknowns and changes and transitions.

A piece of news that I’m really excited to share is that I have accepted a spot as a member of the Clarion West Writers Workshop class of 2020. I really look forward to learning from the instructors and fellow workshop participants!

Additionally, I want to thank Mithila Review for reprinting my short story Sparrow in their magazine. You can buy the issue and support them here. 

Thanks so much as well to Sine Theta Magazine for featuring me on their Twitter account as a “writer of the week” and doing a thread about my own work.