Short Fiction

“Fault Lines” (The Malahat Review, Fall 2019 Issue).
Opening line: Dai Ying and the “boyfriend” she rented for four-hundred yuan per day lingered near the entrance of an ancient quadrangle courtyard in Yibin, where her grandma, Poh-Poh, still lived.
- Reprinted in The Spirits Have Nothing To Do With Us (Wolsak and Wynn, 2023).
- Nominated by The Malahat Review for the National Magazine Award and Journey Prize.
- Longlisted, Peter Hinchcliffe Short Fiction Award, The New Quarterly, 2018.
- Second place, Spark Literary Award, Aug 2018.
“Sparrow.” Clarkesworld. Oct 2018 Issue.
Opening line: The rooftop is quiet except for the hum of a plane passing overhead, heading to a faraway elsewhere.
Reviewed by Realms & Robots, Quick Sip Reviews, and SFRevu.
- Reprinted in The Mithila Review (Issue 13, 2020).
- Reprinted in Sequestrum (2020), Runner-up for Editor’s Reprint Award
- Reprinted in Kasma SF (Sept 2019 Issue), named Kasma’s “story of the year”.
- Nebula Awards Suggested Reading List (2018).
- Finalist, Far Horizons Award for Short Fiction (The Malahat Review, 2017).
- “A Glossary for Moving Overseas” (Wasafiri, Issue 117, Spring 2024).
- “Moving, Again” (CV2, July 2022).
- “A Sichuan Diaspora Daughter’s Kitchen” (The Ex-Puritan, Feb 2022).
- “The Reality of Ghosts” (Fantasy Magazine, Aug 2021).
- Finalist for the Aurora Award
- Nominated for a Rhysling Award
- Listed in Into the Night: August 2021’s Best Horror Fiction and Poetry (Tor Nightfire)
- “Where are you and your fish really from?” (Arc Poetry Magazine, Summer 2019 Issue).
- “International Exchange” (Grain, Summer 2018 Issue).
- “Absent” (Contemporary Verse 2, Summer 2018 Issue).
- “an incomplete elegy” (LooseLeaf Magazine, Vol. 3, 2017).
- “Straw Man” (Abyss & Apex, 2017).
Essays and Articles
- “Faded Poems and Intimate Conversations” (The League of Canadian Poets’ National Poetry Month Blog Series “On Intimacy”, 2022).
- “What Speculative Fiction Writers Can Learn From the Origins and Evolution of the Wuxia Genre.” (SFWA Bulletin, 2021).
- “Barriers, Privileges, and Invisible Labor: A Sino Diaspora Translator’s Perspective” (Words WIthout Borders, 2021).
- Featured in Lit Hub Weekly: The Best of the Literary Internet
- “A Xiákè in Jiānghú: Wǔxiá Fiction, Translations, and #RacismInCanLit” (carte blanche, 2019).
- “What I learned from Wayson Choy and The Jade Peony” (The Toronto Star, 2019).
- “Finn Slough: An Off-Grid Urban Wilderness on the Fraser River” (The Tyee, 2015).
- “lace edgings” (蕾丝边 by Tanya Chien) (Hungry Zine, 2023).
- “the infinite possibilities of trees” (小西) (Prism International, 2023).
- “the hand raised with the whip would not stop” (Room Magazine, 2022).
- “Soliloquy” (独白 by Zhang Qiaohui 张巧慧) (The Common, 2022).
- “the wind would not stop” (风不止 by Xiao Xi 小西) (Guernica, 2022).
- 2 poems translated from the Chinese (Poetry Magazine, 2022).
- “lantern” (灯 by Fei Ming 废名) (The Ex-Puritan, 2021).
- 5 poems by Qiu Jin (Asymptote Magazine, 2021).
- Reprinted in NüVoices.
- 3 poems by Qiu Jin (LA Review of Books China Channel, 2021).
- “Night Moths” (the poem 夜蛾 by Da Wangshu 戴望舒) (Samovar, 2020).
- “Moonlight Lament” (明月怆 by Han Yu 寒郁) (Pathlight: New Chinese Writing, Forthcoming.)
- Co-translator, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation manga vol.1 (under the pen name Liu Ye) (2023).
- Please note I am boycotting all work published by Seven Seas because they completely rewrote my translation and do not recommend the translation.
- Translated 2 stories and wrote an essay for the anthology The Way Spring Arrives and Other Stories (TorDotCom, March 2022).
- “On Poetic Origins, Creative Space, and Writing Across Genres: An Interview with Gillian Sze” (The Ex-Puritan, 2022).
- “Transmitting the Strange: A Conversation with Lydia Kwa,” (Augur Magazine, 2020).
- “Ghosts and Fox Spirits: Janie Chang on the Power of Speculative Fiction,” (Room Magazine’s Magic Issue, 2019).
- “Anna Holmwood” (Nineteen Questions, 2018).
- Clarion West Writers Workshop 2020/2021.
- MFA in Creative Writing (The University of British Columbia, 2016-2020).
- BFA in Creative Writing (The University of British Columbia. 2010-2015).
- Mentee, UBC Arts Tri-Mentoring program, mentored by Vancouver Sun’s editor Valerie Casseleton.
Awards & Honors
- Winner, Dwarf Stars Award, Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association, 2024.
- Finalist, Canada’s National Magazine Awards (Poetry), 2023.
- Finalist, Aurora Award (Poetry), 2023.
- Winner, Foster Poetry Prize, Contemporary Verse 2 (2022).
- American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) Virtual Travel Fellowship (2021).
- Finalist, Far Horizons Award for Short Fiction, The Malahat Review (2021).
- Longlist, CBC Poetry Prize (2020).
- Nominated for the poetry category of the Best of the Net (2019).
- Shortlist, The University of East Anglia’s David TK Wong Fellowship (2019).
- 3rd place, Federation of BC Writer’s Creative Non-fiction contest (2016).
- Yilin gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the BC Arts Council, and the Access Copyright Foundation.