It’s that time of the year again for award eligibility posts.
The main project that I published this year is The Lantern and the Night Moths (Invisible Publishing 2024), my debut book of translated Chinese poetry and original essays on translation, which recently won the John Glassco Translation prize from the Literary Translators Association of Canada. It’s the first book of translations from Chinese or from any Asian language to win the prize in its 40 years of history.
The book includes my translations of some speculative poems first published in 2024. They are eligible for nomination for awards like the Rhysling Award, Dwarf Star Awards (my translation of Xiao Xi’s poem won the award for 2023), and the special Hugo Award for best poetry being given out by the Seattle WorldCon in 2025. Here’s a list of my eligible translations:
- “Dialect” by Zhang Qiaohui (11 lines)**
- “The Pagoda of a Thousand Autumn” by Zhang Qiaohui (12 lines)**
- “nipping flowers” by Fei Ming (11 lines) (2nd photo in the link)**
- “stars” by Fei Ming (10 lines)
- “I think” by Dai Wangshu (4 lines)**
- “the ceaseless wind” by Xiao Xi (11 lines)
- “To Answer the Visitor with Classical Imagery” by Dai Wangshu (12 lines)
- “For Jin Kemu” by Dai Wangshu (28 lines)**
- “Autumn Night Reflections” by Dai Wangshu (15 lines)**
I am happy to send a digital file containing the above poems to anyone reading for speculative poetry awards. Just leave me a comment or email at yilinw[at]gmail[dot]com. The starred ones ** represent my personal favourites if you only want to read some of them.
Additionally, I want to draw folks attention to my poem “天涯 (tiān yá) the horizon,” which was published as a part of a series of white-out poems in the Spring 2024 (issue 117) of the UK literary journal Wasafiri. The poem is eligible for all the above awards along with the Aurora Award since I’m a Canadian citizen.
Please note this poem is an experimental white-out poem created from a page of Chinese-English dictionary and phrase book. It can be read across the page from left to right as well as column by column.
“天涯 (tiān yá) the horizon”
Thank you for reading and for considering my work.